Technology Expertise:

Learning Management
and Online Test Paper Solutions

At Dextrous Info, we offer a range of Learning Management System (LMS) and online test paper solutions designed to meet the unique needs of students, teachers, and educational institutions. Our solutions are designed to help you streamline your learning and testing processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately, achieve better results.


Learning Management Solutions

Our LMS solutions are designed to provide a comprehensive, user-friendly platform for managing your educational needs. Here are some of the key features of our LMS solutions:

Course Creation: Our LMS solutions allow you to create and manage courses quickly and easily. You can add multimedia content, quizzes, assignments, and more to create an engaging learning experience.

Student Management: Our LMS solutions offer a range of student management tools, allowing you to manage student progress, track performance, and provide feedback.

Communication: Our LMS solutions include communication tools such as messaging and discussion forums, making it easy for students and teachers to collaborate and share ideas.

Reporting and Analytics: Our LMS solutions offer powerful reporting and analytics tools, enabling you to track student progress, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your teaching strategies.

At Dextrous Infosolutions, we understand that every business is unique. That's why we offer customized CRM solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're a small business just starting out or a large enterprise looking to scale your operations, our CRM solutions can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our CRM solutions and how we can help you streamline your business processes and drive growth.

Online Test Paper Solutions

Our online test paper solutions are designed to provide a user-friendly platform for creating and administering tests online. Here are some of the key features of our online test paper solutions:

Test Creation: Our online test paper solutions allow you to create tests quickly and easily, with a range of question types including multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and more.

Test Administration: Our online test paper solutions provide a user-friendly interface for administering tests online. You can set time limits, shuffle questions, and randomize answer choices to ensure fairness and accuracy.

Grading and Feedback: Our online test paper solutions offer automatic grading and feedback tools, saving teachers time and ensuring consistency in grading.

Reporting and Analytics: Our online test paper solutions offer powerful reporting and analytics tools, enabling you to track student performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your teaching strategies.

At Dextrous Infosolutions, we understand that every educational institution is unique. That's why we offer customized LMS and online test paper solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're a small school just starting out or a large university looking to scale your operations, our solutions can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our Learning Management and Online Test Paper Solutions and how we can help you enhance your education.


Learning Management Solutions (LMS)

Learning Management Solutions (LMS) are software platforms designed to facilitate and manage the delivery of educational content, training materials, and performance assessment. Here is a list of common features that are in our LMS platforms:


Course Management

Course management features help administrators to create and manage courses, syllabuses, schedules, and curriculums.


Learning Delivery

LMS provides a platform for delivering educational content such as online courses, training materials, webinars, and videos.


Assessment and Grading

LMS platforms offer features for assessing student progress, grading assignments, and monitoring student performance.


Student Management

LMS platforms allow administrators to manage student enrollment, track progress, and maintain records.



LMS platforms facilitate collaboration among students and instructors by enabling discussion forums, chat, and group activities.


Reporting and Analytics

LMS platforms generate reports on student performance, course completion rates, and other relevant metrics that can be used to improve the learning experience.


Mobile Optimization

LMS platforms are designed to be mobile-friendly, allowing students and instructors to access course materials from anywhere, on any device.



Gamification features, such as badges, points, and leaderboards, are used to incentivize students to engage with course materials and complete assignments.


Certification & Compliance

LMS platforms offer features for tracking and documenting student certifications, as well as ensuring compliance with regulatory and organizational requirements.



LMS platforms integrate with other tools and systems, such as learning content management systems, HR management systems, and enterprise resource planning systems.

These are just some of the common features of our LMS platform. As a provider of learning management solutions, my company can customize and tailor these features to meet the specific requirement of the customers.

We ensure that you get the best value for your money